Staccato speech

Written by Nick Smallman 28 February, 2013


Staccato speech definition:

Staccato speech, also known as “choppy” or “broken” speech, is a pattern of speaking that involves speaking in short, choppy sentences or phrases. A person with staccato speech often leaves out articles and prepositions, which can make it difficult for them to be understood.

If you are a parent of a child who exhibits staccato speech, it is important to learn more about the language disorder. Outside of having your child assessed by a professional in order to determine whether they have staccato speech or another communication disorder (such as verbal dyspraxia), there are many resources available to you. This article includes some ideas for how you can use the internet and your community to find more information about how staccato speech affects your child specifically.

Staccato speech causes:

Habitual staccato speech is becoming a slightly more common occurrence, figures would suggest, and is more present in the younger generation; many teenagers speak like this during puberty, and it usually disappears over time. Other’s speak like this to an extent, or on occasion, and aren’t really bothered by it.

Sometimes this can be because of nervousness. If this is you, you may feel the need to speed up or weave all your words together, and this probably makes it worse. When speaking, if you stop in the middle of speech by accident, you can use it to your advantage; maintain eye contact, nod, and you’ll probably appear to either be thinking or pausing deliberately. Even if the pause is a long one, if it appears deliberate it can empower and hold people’s attention. Obviously don’t do this on purpose, but consider it.

You should take your time, try and speak at a regular rate, and never be afraid to speak because you might speak in staccato; the voice is like a muscle. Its power will diminish if you don’t use it.

Voice coaches would normally recommend breathing exercises to combat staccato speech as breathing through a sentence can really help the speaker to gain flow.

With this, try and identify what exactly it is that makes you staccato. Voice exercises and practicing talking in fluid sentences make a good start. If you really struggle, you may want to see a speech therapist for voice coaching

Staccato speech example:

Staccato speech is the opposite of legato. Instead of stretching out and blending each syllable into the next, staccato speech involves an abrupt cut-off of each syllable. Staccato speech sounds clipped and choppy, almost like a series of short bursts.

Staccato speech is common in certain situations and in some languages. For example, pretty much all Spanish words end with a vowel, so Spanish often flows with a mix of legato and staccato syllables. However, some people sometimes use staccato speech to convey emotion or excitement, too.

Your speaking style generally includes a mixture of legato and staccato syllables to help give your speech its own unique rhythm.