Culture, Diversity & Ethics

Conflicted KPMG boss undone by bias against “non-existent bias”

Andy Day examines the illogical thinking that forced Bill Michael to quit


How Handforth Parish Council meeting went viral, and how to avoid being next

Internet frenzy after power struggle dominates parish Zoom meeting


Predictions For Learning & Development

It's time to take stock of the evolving trends coming up in the field of human resources. Smart HR decisions can have a tremendous impact on the way organizations grow in the future; this is particularly true in the realm of employee development.

Culture, Diversity & Ethics

Unconscious bias – inner demons “can’t be easily removed”

Tackle the consequences, not the cause – says Andy Day


“This was greeted with sceptical groans” – the dangers of unrealistic optimism

‘Good news’ brand of leadership is risky, warns Paul Hill


How to do better than Boris when you don’t know the answer

Andy Day on managing mindset when saying ‘I don’t know’


Rioters storm Capitol after Trump’s inflammatory falsehoods

Alternative realities: Episode 3 in our series on social wellbeing

Writing & Productivity

Inoculate yourself against the jargon ‘super-spreaders’

Andy Day proactively reaches out in disruptive thinking on buzzwords


Bullying allegations best tackled by “effective feedback”

Paul Hill looks at claims surrounding the home secretary