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Course overview

Introduction & Overview

Executive Presence is something we associate with people who make us sit up and take notice, who win our trust and inspire us to follow their lead. These leaders are genuine, authentic and comfortable in their own skin. You can learn Executive Presence too

Defining Executive Presence

The core components of Executive Presence are not so much a talent or skill, as a state of mind. The further along you go in your career, the more important this kind of presence becomes – and it's a learned skill

The Three Pillars

Executive Presence is built on the three pillars of: Style, Substance, and Character and on this course you will learn about them in great detail

The Audience is a Mirror

Learn about how humans are wired to connect and be affected by the people around them. A leader's high energy and mood, or lack of it, are contagious and will affect the audience

The Mind Body Connection

The mind-body connection is a two way street and by learning positive body language you will both look and feel more relaxed and powerful, and positively increase your chances of success

Learning outcomes

  • You have now learned the practical techniques needed to develop your own personal, authoritative style that inspires loyalty and respect.

  • You have a practical awareness of the key attributes of a great leader, and know how to adopt them.

  • You're now able to connect with people authentically and dynamically.

  • You're better at focussing and prioritising.

  • And can now convey your messages with great clarity and communicate your vision in such a way that others will want to help you make it a reality.

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