Course overview

Course details

  • Introduction and Agenda

    We explain what the course is about and explore any individual challenges. We also set you some goals

  • What is Unconscious Bias?

    Discover what unconscious bias is and how it colours the assumptions we make, often without our even realising it

  • In Group / Out Group / Conformity

    Explore unconscious habits and learn how to make your own choices and perceptions more conscious

  • Unconscious Bias at Work

    We reveal the micro tribes people typically belong to and provide the solutions that bring people together

  • Combat Unconscious Bias

    Become more aware of your own unconscious bias through self-analysis and specific organisational goals. Learn to make clear, achievable action plans to enable you to let go of your judgments

Learning outcomes

  • You understand the often hidden, unconscious choices we all make and the damaging effects they can have.
  • You know how to suspend your judgements and biasses and are far more inclusive
  • Your new awareness has made you a better and more inclusive leader.
  • You've gained control over your unconscious habits and now your choices are conscious ones.

Ready to book this course?

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