Course overview

Course details

  • Understand Business Writing

    Understand what it takes to create clear and concise business communications that still allow you to come across with humanity

  • Pre-writing & Drafting

    Discover the Triple A: it's about your intended Aim, Audience and Approach. Use practical techniques to deal with writer’s block

  • Edit Using Screen-Style

    Craft the kind of concise, plain-language style that works best on people's screens

  • Proofreading

    Consider your grammar, spelling, punctuation and word choice

  • Practicing Email Etiquette

    Understand the rules of email. These include showing consideration to your readers

Learning outcomes

  • You've learnt a business writing style that gets your messages across quickly and clearly.
  • You understand the way your written messages will be absorbed depending on their style and the medium you use.
  • You know how to properly prepare every business writing task.
  • You can draft more speedily and use plain-language that works best on the recipient's screens.
  • You avoid email pitfalls and can edit to achieve clarity and conciseness.

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